Rangers lose to Southridge 14-21

Post date: Sep 05, 2011 3:51:19 PM

9/2/2011Forest Park lost to Southridge 14-21. The heat index was over 100 degrees on Southridge's turf field. Umpires called additional water breaks throughout the game to help deal with the stifling heat. Even though the Rangers produced more offense then the Raiders, turnovers, penalties and a strong Raider running game caused the Rangers to come up short of the win. Here are a few highlights from the evening:The night began with Southridge honoring senior Anthony Fischer, junior Austin Kempf and sophomore Ethan Knust for their heroic actions helping a Huntingburg family after an accident last weekend (click here to view video or click here to view more of the original news stories).Seniors Miles Leonard, Dakota Geyer and Ben Braunecker started the scoring on a half back option. Miles handed to Dakota who passed to Ben for a 59 yard touchdown pass. Sophomore kicker Dakota Begle hits the extra point. In the third quarter senior Nathan Kloeck hits Southridge's quarterback and senior Lynk Kordes intercepts the ball. Quaterback Miles Leonard connected to Ben Braunecker for a 14 yard touchdown pass in the 3rd quarter. Sophomore kicker Dakota Begle hits the extra point.

281 Yards Offense from Forest Park (243 Passing and 38 Rushing) vs 252 Yards Offense Soutridge (all rushing).